Jumat, 11 Juni 2010

The Great Mosque of Kota Gede

Before entering the complex of the mosque, in the parking area, you will see a banyan tree that has been there for hundreds years so that people name it "Waringin Sepuh" that means an old banyan tree. This tree will bring luck to anyone who is praying under it when he or she gets two leaves with one facing up and the other facing down.

Approaching the mosque complex, you will find a gateway. Right in front of the gate, there is wall in the shape of L letter. Some pictures symbolizing the kingdom are carved on it. Such buildings represent Sultan Agung's tolerance to local inhabitants who embraced Hinduism and Buddhism and took part in building the mosque.

Entering the mosque yard, you will see green inscription as high as 3 meters signifying mosque renovation done by Paku Buwono. The base of the inscription is of square form and on top of it is the crown as the symbol of Surakarta Kingdom. A clock functioning as time reference for praying is attached to the southern side of the inscription.

We learn from the inscription that Kotagede mosque was built in two stages. The first work done during Sultan Agung reign was small mosque that was called langgar because of the size. The second building was done by Paku Buwono X, the King of Surakarta Kingdom. The difference of those two building lies on the poles; the one built by Sultan Agung was with wooden poles while the other done by Paku Buwono X was with iron poles.

The main part of the mosque is of Javanese style namely limasan that is characterized by pyramid-form of the roof and two different rooms functioning as main room and verandah respectively.

You will see ditch encircling the mosque before you enter the main building of the mosque. It functions as drainage for the water flowing from a place where people take water from the north part of the mosque to clean them before praying. Now, the ditch functions as fishpond after being renovated with porcelains being fitted to the base of it. In order to ease people to enter the building, small bridge is constructed of woods arranged side by side.

Outside of the main building of the mosque, there is an old drum placed beside a kentongan (traditional Javanese wooden drum that is struck to sound alarm). The drum that is as old as the mosque was a present from Nyai Pringgit from Dondong village of Kulon Progo Regency. Thanks to her presence, her descendents were rewarded privilege to stay in the area around the mosque that later was named Dondongan. The drum is in use this time as time signal for praying.

There is a speaker platform made of finely carved wood inside the mosque, beside the place where imam leads the prayer. The platform was given by Sultan Agung who got it when he visited a Regent in Palembang on his return from Mecca. It is now rarely used in order to keep it from being damaged. For daily uses, people replace it with small platform.

Walking around the mosque, you will see different encircling walls. The left wall was constructed of bigger bricks in size with brighter color and marble-looking stone on the surface with Javanese writings on it. The other wall on the other part is of less bright bricks with smaller size and no decoration on it. The left wall was built during Sultan Agung reign while the other wall was the result of the renovation done by Paku Buwono X. The wall constructed during Sultan Agung reign was cemented by using the juice of sugar palm for stronger bound.

This old mosque still looks vivid to the present time. People make use of it form religious activities. When praying time comes, many people will come to it. After praying, many of them stay there to communicate to each other, to learn Koran or even to take a nap.

The Famous Silver

Since entering Kota Gede area, tourists begin to enjoy various kinds of silver handicrafts at various prices sold at the front part of local people's house, functioning as the gallery at the same time. Most of the houses are in traditional Javanese architecture called Joglo. Silver handicraft is a culture descended by the ancestor to the next generations. Initially, handicrafts in Kota Gede were made of gold, silver and copper. By the time, however, silver is most preferred. For the reason, craftsmen make more silver handicrafts until today. This handicraft is exported to abroad, mainly to Europe. Order is usually increasing by the year end. Please drop by at the gallery to see various kinds of handicraft, ranging from jewelry, silver ornament and utensils that are made with artistic touch of Kota Gede silversmiths. Warm smile and greeting are pleasant reception to begin the exploration through Kota Gede.

The Graveyard

In Kota Gede, the graveyard of the founder Mataram kingdom becomes the point of interest. Many people come there to visit it. In that cemetery complex one can still visit the cemetery of the Mataram kings like Sutowijoyo or Ngabei Loring Pasar, the founder of Mataram Kingdom, who was then called Panembahan Senopati. There is also the unique tomb of Ki Ageng Mangir. He was Panembahan Senopati son in law and also Panembahan Senopati enemy. His dead body was buried half inside of the special area for kings and Panembahan Senopati families, and a half of his body was buried outside of the complex. There is a stone called " Watu Gilang ", a stone on which Panembahan Senopati smashed the Ki Ageng Mangir head to dead.

Those who wants to go inside the cemetery must wear traditional clothes that one can hire at the place. Kota Gede Royal cemetery is open on Monday at. 10.00 am - 12.00 am, and Friday at 01.30 pm. - 04.00 pm. In addition to the cemetery, there are also graceful gates, a pond full of Clarius Melanodermas and a yellow turtle. This turtle is hundred years of age and people believe it as a sacred miraculous turtle. But, when the last time I went there, I can't found the miraculous turtle.


Hearing the name, Kipo, it is just like a very cute and unique name. But if you know and try it, you will find the cuteness and the wonderful taste of snack inside the name of Kipo. Kipo Kotagede is a very famous bite size snack that only to be found in Kota Gede. It made of green coloured tapioca dough filled with sweetened grated coconut. Every people come to Kota Gede must try this or you will regret it.

What is Kota Gede?

Kota Gede, a district in Yogyakarta, is the original capital of the Mataram kingdom which was a great Muslim kingdom in the 16th century. According to history, the city was founded by the first sultan of Mataram in 1582. Overthere, you can take a look at the burial spot of the sultan in the graveyard of a very old mosque. The mosque is also a place of interest and it reflects Javanese style. For addition, the roofs are done in the same style to a Hindu temple. You can also find the depictions of Hindu gods around the graveyard of Panembahan Senopati. Kota Gede in Yogyakarta provides information on the palace when it existed. Now, you can only find the Royal Graveyard and a few small section of wall of the palace that remains today. The Royal Graveyard in the Kota Gede is an important place to be visited, as it provides information of the past time. The graves establish a connection of the Mataram with the earlier kingdoms. 

In Kota Gede, Yogyakarta, the grave remains guarded and maintained by Juru Kunci or in Javanese is Kuncen, who are actually the employees of two palaces of Yogyakarta and Surakarta. Kota Gede had earned significance during the time of Indonesian independence in the year 1940 when the silver workers had attained much of attention of the world. The Royal cemetery is a sight to see and you can have a wonderful experience out there.

Not only grave that you can find from Kota Gede, but also the uniquely of the town are coming from the building and also the food. There are some old and beautiful building you never seen in Yogyakarta, but you will only find it in Kota Gede. Also the food, there is one famous snack in Kota Gede named Kipo. It is very delicious snack and it is only can be found in Kota Gede.